…living life…the wild woman

Wild Woman, Primal Woman is of the earth, she is of the stars. She reflects the waters that she is…she laps gently and rages fiercely. She takes no prisoners, nor does she have ‘expectation’.

Primal Woman, the wild within and without, dances in the fullness of herself, with herself. She cares not if others wish to dance with her. She meets and she is open to being met….deeply….fully….honestly and authentically.

…begin now

Through the creation you change stories and patterns, you give an expression, you honour them, you release them. We are unable to fully let it go without first being grateful. Grateful for the pain, for the loss, for the lessons, for the space that has come. The space. The pregnant pause. The void. So like nature is self we can begin again….


I don’t know about you but I’ve been having a lot of very strange and in-depth dreams recently last night they were about betrayal. I realise that I’ve held a story for a very long time, lifetimes even! It is also in my family system and held in the collective. The story is one around betrayal of the masculine and […]