…living life…the wild woman

Wild Woman, Primal Woman is of the earth, she is of the stars. She reflects the waters that she is…she laps gently and rages fiercely. She takes no prisoners, nor does she have ‘expectation’.

Primal Woman, the wild within and without, dances in the fullness of herself, with herself. She cares not if others wish to dance with her. She meets and she is open to being met….deeply….fully….honestly and authentically.

…do you find yourself in the desert of your life or fertile hills?

Do you find yourself in the desert of your life or in the last and green fertile valleys and hills? Which is your medicine?

Do you find yourself walking alone through the open landscapes where little grows? Yearning for the smallest drop of touch, nourishment? Tongue parched like your barren heart, lips cracked longing for the moisture of another’s kiss? Your own kiss?

When was the last time you took your time to make love to yourself, for yourself? To treat your body and your soul to what it’s calling for. To listen to the deepest desires and smallest moments of true self nourishment. To languish and take the time for you.

The give, give, give of the martyr complex has to cease. How do you anticipate being of use, service and significance in the world, if you drop by drop, drip by drip are giving each bit of your final vital life blood and breath?….


PAIN…we often avoid our pain yet…it is called pain for a reason…it can break us open to MORE LIFE it doesn’t have to be permanent it is transitory if we allow it. We often get stuck on our process and old stories clinging to the half life and victim archetype as we are afraid of stepping into our fullness and […]