…you hold the key for your life

You alone hold the key to the gateway that is your life. You, your heart and your soul lay firmly in your hands. Yet you do not understand all know this, as you are blind to the beauty and brilliance of yourself.

What is it you choose today alongside that which you ‘must’ do? Nothing fundamentally is a ‘must do’. We have a choice. When we ‘must do’ which aspect of ourselves is shouting loudest? The mother? The master? The martyr? The Victim? The perpetrator? Prostitute… the list goes onWhich aspect get the most airtime in your life? Does it make you happy or are you existing?

…self responsibility sucks…but is vital for living a life you LOVE

Self-responsibility is empowering, yes, it is also hellish scary! It means we have to grow up, put on ‘big girl pants’ and realise we have no one and nothing else to ‘blame’ only ourselves. Yes, I know there have been significant events in many of our lives where things have happened to us, by people, where we have had little to no choice in which we were victims, yet, from my own experience, I know I have stayed in this place of being the victim instead of taking what has happened and turning it around to use it as juice/fuel to empower myself to change how I respond to the event and change my story.

Do you take up the peace mantle for yourself, wrap yourself, these tender pieces within it to nurture the broken bones and aching heart you take from broken expectations, conforming to ‘earn love and your place’ when your body and soul shout ‘no!’

…living life…the wild woman

Wild Woman, Primal Woman is of the earth, she is of the stars. She reflects the waters that she is…she laps gently and rages fiercely. She takes no prisoners, nor does she have ‘expectation’.

Primal Woman, the wild within and without, dances in the fullness of herself, with herself. She cares not if others wish to dance with her. She meets and she is open to being met….deeply….fully….honestly and authentically.

…becoming Queen

Becoming Queen…a channelled message It is time Dear One to begin to own your own crown.  You are a Queen in the making, yet, we cannot become fully Queens unless we are ready to become a Sovereign of our own life.  This means taking full responsibility for all areas in your life.  It is healing the darkest quadrants, the deepest […]

…a letter from love

                                            Dear love please help me see the way clear in my heart and life to the way forward, what action am I to take in life?  What stays? What goes? What is an illusion? Dearest heart, please know how deeply you are loved by those behind and before the veil, the only one that struggles to see their brilliance […]


I don’t know about you but I’ve been having a lot of very strange and in-depth dreams recently last night they were about betrayal. I realise that I’ve held a story for a very long time, lifetimes even! It is also in my family system and held in the collective. The story is one around betrayal of the masculine and […]